The Commonwealth of Israel Foundation is restoring the biblical bond of peace between the Christian and Jewish faith communities through the development and promotion of Commonwealth Theology. Commonwealth Theology (CT) affirms that the “Commonwealth of Israel” (Ephesians 2:12) describes a common ground between Jews and Christians that is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone” (Ephesians 2:20). The supernatural concept of “Divine Deliverance” – of “Messiah,” the “Deliverer,” “Savior” – is embedded in Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and is espoused by both Jewish and Christian theologies.
Endemic within CT is the understanding of the “Breach of Jeroboam” wherein the Ten Tribes of Northern Israel (House of Israel; Jezreel, Ephraim, Samaria) were “swallowed up of the nations,” “divorced” from the covenants, and deported by the Assyrians. However, the Almighty has through the Suffering Servant, the Messiah, Jesus, Yeoshua, by the blood of His Cross, ransomed those “who were no longer a people” to be “the people of God” having mercy upon them all and uniting them once again under the United Kingdom of David . . . awaiting when “all Israel” (Judah and Ephraim) shall be saved. Such a United Kingdom of David includes “the rest of mankind.” The “Assembly” or “Ekklesia” being built by Jesus is inclusive of both Jews and “Gentiles” (those among the nations – “all the children of God scattered abroad”).
The successful theological approach to peace will diffuse historical Judeo-Christian tensions and foster mutual affection among all those who hope in the Holy One of Israel. The stronger Judeo-Christian relationship and superior understanding of the mission of the Messiah presented by CT would in turn improve the credibility and respectability of both faith communities before the general public.
The Commonwealth of Israel Foundation attracts and engages Christians and Jews by making appeal to the synthesis between the sacred texts revered by both faiths as set forth in Commonwealth Theology. In as much as the Commonwealth of Israel set forth in Scripture is inclusive of peoples from among the nations, the Foundation also endeavors to educate the general public to the merits of Commonwealth Theology and to the veracity of the underlying Scriptures.
Educational objectives include the undertaking of compiling and producing an annotated reference/study-notes Bible. The study notes Bible would present readers with a comprehensive application of Commonwealth Theology to the sixty-six canonical books generally accepted as inspired Scriptures. The proposed reference/study-notes Bible would aid in establishing CT as an alternative to current mainstream theologies.
The Commonwealth of Israel Foundation may also produce, or cause to be produced for the purpose of biblical education, reference or annotated New Testaments, Bible commentaries on individual books of the Bible, commentary sets, original translations of the Bible, and other forms of biblical education which would further our educational and public awareness objectives. All proposed projects shall be contingent on adequate funding for research, project coordination, editing, publication and distribution.
The Commonwealth of Israel Foundation is facilitating the refinement of Commonwealth Theology through biblical research and the collaboration of a growing Commonwealth oriented community. The Foundation may provide education about CT and raise public awareness of the Commonwealth of Israel Foundation’s goals and accomplishments through a variety of platforms including but not limited to internet, public and private presentations, books and periodicals, radio, television, and fundraising events to support the Commonwealth of Israel Foundation or to fund specific projects.
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